Doctoral studies focusing on HertsCam
David Frost was a member of the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, for more than 20 years during which time he supervised many doctoral candidates. Among these were several whose studies focused on the non-positional teacher leadership work within HertsCam and the International Teacher Leadership initiative. The dissertations/theses resulting from these doctoral studies are now available electronically and are outlined below. |
Archive of sources
This page is a work in progress. We are constantly adding to archive of documents of all sorts. This includes material already published as well as other items of interest to anyone committed to the idea of non-positional teacher leadership. Here you will find reports, chapters from books and so on. You will also find a comprehensive downloadable list of HertsCam / ITL related publications in the Archive. Clisk on the button below. |
Teacher Leadership in Kazakhstan This book was edited by Gulmira Qanay, David Frost, Saule Kalikova and Gulbadan Zakayeva and published in Russian in 2023. It will soon be published in Kazakh and English. The Teacher Leadership in Kazakhstan (TLK) initiative launched in 2019, was supported by HertsCam. The project supported teacher leadership groups in schools in almost every region in Kazakhstan. The book can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the icon below. |
Empowering teachers as agents of change Published in 2017, 'Empowering teachers as agents of change: a non-positional approach to teacher leadership' was edited by David Frost and includes chapters by teachers about their development projects and accounts from teachers about their programmes of support for teacher leadership. The 'blue book' is available in English and also: Thank you to the Open Society Foundation for funding this project and Dr Hanan Ramahi at the American School of Palestine in Ramallah for facilitating this. Thank you to the Open Society Foundation for funding this project, Gordana Miljevic for the translation and to the Centre of Education Policy in Belgrade for their administrative support. Thank you to the Soros Foundation in Almaty, Kazakhstan for initiating this project as well as translating the book and distributing copied to many countries across Central Asia.
Although there are some negative comments in the media about George Soros, we have been fortunate to work with him and the Soros Foundation through funding and practical support. A more balanced picture can be found in the three articles from the New York Post, the Washington Post and the Guardian, click here. |
Teachers as Agents of Change
A masters programme designed, led and taught by teachers This book, edited by David Frost, Sheila Ball, Val Hill and Sarah Lightfoot, was published in 2018. It documents the innovative HertsCam MEd in Leading Teaching and Learning and how the programme impacts leader leadership and the positive effects it has on student learning. To find out more about our MEd programme, click here.
What Our Participants Say"The potential wisdom and impetus for change are rooted in schools, rather than something which can be orchestrated or taught from the outside" |
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