Transforming education through teacher leadership
The Legacy Project
HertsCam, the charity formed in 2012 will be wound up in the summer of 2025. For many years, we have all worked together to develop support for non-positional teacher leadership in more than 20 countries. We hope that everything we have learned about how to improve practice and pursue social justice through teacher leadership will continue to be spread around the world. The work currently underway - the Legacy Project – is designed to maximise this possibility.
We want to spread around the world all that we have learned about supporting non-positional teacher leadership. We want this to benefit teachers and schools in the widest possible range of contexts, from small rural schools in under-developed countries to the most well resourced schools in cities around the world. We will also publish a number of books in the summer of 2025 along with a series of podcasts which shine a light on the experiences of a range of colleagues who have been involved in this work in the past. THE NPTL Pilot 2024-25
As part of the Legacy Project, we are inviting colleagues from schools who are not currently using the TLDW approach to elect to use the new comprehensive package of materials and maintaine communication with HertsCam in 2024-25. This will enable us to refine and improve the package. The final version will then be published in August 2025 and circulated free of charge as widely as possible. If you know someone who might be interested in this, please encourage them to get in touch. You can download a flyer here:
The TLDW programme
perfect for teachers in their 3rd Year The Teacher Led Development Work programme is for anyone working in a professional capacity in schools. See details on the programme by clicking on the button below. If you are coming to the end the 2nd year of your career, please view this short video explaining why TLDW is the natural next step for you. David Frost's blog The latest post on David Frost's blog is about the value of the open classroom. The title is: ' Open classroom: Open Society' Click here to go straight to it. The International Summit on the Teaching Profession
We were asked for a short statement to inform the report prepared by the OECD for the International Summit on the Teaching Profession. This took place on 26th April in Washington D.C. You can view the section of the report that includes: 'HertsCam Network: supporting non-positional teacher leadership internationally'. You can also scroll backwards and forwards to read the whole report: 'Teaching for the Future: Global Engagment, Sustainability and Digital Skills'. The full version of the statement we submitted can be found on our Publications Archive page. |
Launch of a new project in Kazakhstan - January 2024
On 27th January a team from HertsCam travelled to Almaty, Kazakhstan. We had been asked by UNESCO to design and launch a new teacher leadership initiative – the Remote and Rural Schools (RARS) project. The participating schools are located in regions of the country thousands of miles apart. The project will generate new insights and innovations that will improve all remote and rural schools within Kazakhstan and beyond. Twelve school principals and twenty-four prospective facilitators worked with six of us from HertsCam, teams from UNESCO, an NGO called Teachers Lab and colleagues from the Kazakh National Womens Pedagogical University. This 2 day event began with speeches from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Soros Foundation, a professor from Nazarbayev University, Gulmira Qanay and David Frost. Then the principals and facilitators had parallel workshops to prepare them to use the TLDW approach in their schools.
During our stay in Almaty, David gave a lecture at the university which was publicised on Instagram: HertsCam Annual Conference 2024 There will be no Annual Conference this year. We hope that these events will be resumed sometime in the future.
Video of one of the HertsCam Annual Conferences
HertsCam presentation at a KIX webinar
The sixth Knowledge Innovation Exchange (KIX) (Europe, Asia & Pacific) webinar took place on 24 February 2021. It covered the topic of “Teachers as Agents of Change: Supporting, Enabling, and Empowering”. The webinar was organised by NORRAG in partnership with the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, HertsCam Network, CairoCam Network, Teacher Leadership in Kazakhstan, School for All Educational Foundation, Soros Foundation Kazakhstan and ProDidactica Education Centre Moldova. |